Business Intelligence | Data Analysis | Google Sheets For Canadian Logistic Company

    Dashboards by OAZSHAKTI for a Canadian Logistic Company

    My Role

    Data Analyst, Visualization Expert, Requirement Analyst


    This Project Was developed for a Logistic company. The goles includes the understanding of various parameters related to the business (logistics) in day to day activities.

    Dashboard Featues includes the filters to be applied for getting the relevant data, results in various forms and the beauty of the dashboard is that it was showing interactive results. This dashboard can give a great media to understand and analyse the day to day cost, miles trips, etc…

    Story Behind

    Used an excellent approch in which first have gone through the working for an organization to understand the complete process of their work and their requiements in day to day activities. Brainstormed with all level of employees for project understanding. Worked with the MD for undestanding their need with the data available. Then created a model in google sheet of the requied outcomes. Futher done analysis on the data and created the responsive, interconnected, presentable dashboard with a number of filters on the control panel for a great utilization of the data and came with the outcome. It was a small part of the whole story. Hope you will like the work as shown in the video.